Wednesday, October 22, 2008

-K-, so I am not the best blogger in history, but even if I get only one out a year I'm doing better than nothing at all , RIGHT? I am now going to post a blog about this last summer. It was crazy and fun. We took a trip to visit my grandmother in Washington.
My dad took us to Forks so that my sister and I could sight see places from the Twilight saga. The forest is beautiful there. We had 3 family reunions to go to, and I ran the Wasatch Back RAGNAR relay race with my family. The race was a blast, and I actually trained for it. YEA!!
I cut my previous time in half from last year. We also won the personality award for our cars (thanks to me, because they were my jurisdiction :) I was so proud, haha.
That was about it for the summer if you don't include every camping trip, lake trip and hike into the mix. Like I said, we had fun.
"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one." ~Jane Howard~